the american currency and in bonds, and she says that when the note comes due, it will be the equivalent of slavery. yeah who is that destined for, that kind of remark? well, i mean, it s obviously for an ever-increasingly smaller group of people who she is trying to sell to. i mean, she is sort this is sort of like i don t know if i m dating myself, but ron poe peel, the guy who did the chop owe mattic. she is running out of things to say. the idea that the note comes due everything in that statement is completely factu factually wrong. it s almost impossible to get your arms around it. what about the slavery point? i mean, look, there s an argument that private debt in some way is creating indentured servan servants. but public debt does not do that. public debt does the exact opposite. it relieves private debt. okay. well, that s two for two. now mrs. palin was somewhat critical of governor christie in