party can call the shots on the hill for the next couple of years. right now we have a split senate right counsel the middle folks, 50 democrats, 50 republicans with the vice president able to cast that deciding vote. now, bun seat here could really change everything. the biden agenda would hang in the balance. bret: voters have been lining up at the polls throughout the day today. georgia s polls close in the next hour and pennsylvania, the hour after that. martha: but not all states count and report their votes the same way. here s where it s going to get pretty tricky and we will guide you through this tonight. georgia, pennsylvania, and wisconsin are known to be historically slow counting states. they start opening the mail-in ballots at 7:00 a.m. on election day. other states like florida and texas, they start processing those ballots that come in before election day. therefore, it will happen there probably much faster. bret: virginia is quick, too. that s why we
UPDATE:According to the Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, there are two fatalities in Pryor as a result of the severe weather.There are approximate
UPDATE:According to the Oklahoma Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, there are two fatalities in Pryor as a result of the severe weather.There are approximate
of the mississippi dallas 78 degrees out west where the polls are still open a real storm has come through. did not reach into arizona. in fact, maricopa county, no problems there today but just a little bit further to the west. look at the mess that s over nevada. reno, this is a owasso county. very tricky travel, sierra getting up to 4 feet of snow. that s not it. they also had stormy weather this northern california. maybe a tornado touching down outside of sacramento on highway 99. we have flooding rains at this hour right now other los angeles. in fact, flood watches up for much of southern california. look at the strong storms coming over the five grapevine. on the east post after the polls have closed it will be interesting to see what happens. we have tropical storm nicole. it went be making landfall until tomorrow night. we already had evacuation orders today in bradford county. as we all know weather be people will make that effort tonight even with the storm out west.