tonight, we begin with breakin news it s all hands on deck this weekend, donald trump i huddling with a team of lawyer damar legault. this comes as nbc news learned that the ex president has been invited to testify before a ne york grand jury next week. it s part of the manhattan district attorney s years long investigation into hush plenty payments made for adult film star during trump s 2016 presidential run so, why does the ds offer have trump so spooked the invitation is why they received the a warning of criminal charges may b imminent had district attorney alvi bragg joined reverend sharpton a short time ago, and he appears to be keeping his card close to his vest. we have an active investigation. many observed last year that the trial of the trump organization, in some ways, would say is the same team tha is working with the same typ of professionalism and rigor the same type of team on our active investigation i am concerned from saying anything more than that becau
tonight, we begin with breakin news it s all hands on deck this weekend, donald trump i huddling with a team of lawyer down at mar-a-lago this comes as nbc news learned that the ex president has been invited to testify before a ne york grand jury next week. it s part of the manhattan district attorney s years long investigation into hush plenty payments made for adult film star during trump s 2016 presidential run so, why does the da offer have trump so spooked the invitation is why they received the a warning of criminal charges may b imminent manhattan district attorne alvin bragg joined reveren sharpton a short time ago, and he appears to be keeping his cards close to his vest. we have an active investigation. many observed last year that the trial of the trump organization, in some ways, would say is the same team tha is working with the same typ of professionalism and rigor the same type of team on our active investigation i am constrained from saying anything more tha
good evening and welcome to ayman. i am julián castro, in for ayman mohyeldin. breaking tonight, new word from the manhattan distric attorney, alvin bragg. why his focus into donald trum plus, the dominion votin system accuses fox o withholding information and it defamation lawsuit and fighting eight, with attacks on the trans community on the rise, a speak wit rupaul s drag race alum eureka o hara, about the fight ahead. let s get started. tonight, we begin with breakin news it s all hands on deck this weekend, donald trump i huddling with a team of lawyer damar legault. this comes as nbc news learned that the ex president has been invited to testify before a ne york grand jury next week. it s part of the manhattan district attorney s years long investigation into hush plenty payments made for adult film star during trump s 2016 presidential run so, why does the ds offer have trump so spooked the invitation is why they received the a warning of criminal charges ma
state of texas after being denied abortions despite serious risks to their health. they are asking the court to clarify under which conditions abortions are allowed and to affirm the exceptions. the abortion ban does allow fo exceptions when a physicia determines there is substantial harm to a pregnant woman. but the law is so vague that i has doctors scared fro offering care in these dir situations so much so that all five women who were part of this lawsui had to leave the state for waiting until they wer seriously ill to be treated. that included the plaintiff wh was forced to fly to texas t colorado to receive an abortio after her water broke. after just 19 weeks. people who think overturnin roe will not affect them eithe because they cannot ge pregnant or would never choose an abortion need to know wha is going on because of these lies believe me, you never know whe you, or someone you love wil need one
care in these dire situations. so much so, in fact, all fiv women who are part of this lawsuit had to leave the state or wait until they wer seriously ill in order to be treated. that included plaintive, anna, who was forced to fly from texas to colorado to receive a abortion after her water broke after just 19 weeks in people who think overturnin roe will not affect them either because they can ge pregnant or never choose a abortion need to know what i going on because of these laws believe me, you never know whe you are someone you love wil need one the state of texas says they want to preserve life by banning safe, legal abortions. i have never felt my lif mattered less than it di during the situation joining me now is docto jamilah, ob/gyn and presiden ceo of physicians fo reproductive health. molly is also back with us