how they ve been handed out willy-nilly like hotcakes to all kinds of people who shouldn t have them. one is jared kirschner. he should not have top security clearance, however, he has top security clearance today. the other thing is the rampant corruption throughout the agencies, from secretary price to administrator pruitt and now secretary zinke. we re hearing about lapses left and right, and it appears the white house is condoning them given they haven t taken any action on them. there s been these ethical lapses and occurrences and we covered them in the press, and maybe the president gets rid of somebody, or they retire or resign. how do the democrats control these house committees? i think we ll definitely be performing our oversight duty.
that means overseeing hearings, subpoena power to get access to documents and various pieces of information that have been hidden from our view. ali, we re just trying to bring some transparency to the process right now, and i think that democrats holding the subpoena power will be able to bring some of that sunlight that s very much needed across the agencies. the president tweeted today, because markets are down they ve come back a little bit but he tweeted the prospect of presidential harassment by the dems is causing the stock market big headaches. what do you think of that? he calls it oversight, i think it s harassment. the markets have nothing to do with the democrats trying to hold the white house and the administration accountable. i think that they have to turn over information and various documents and other pieces of information that are important for our oversight duty, and we intend to get access to that information. congressman, good to talk to you. thank you f
what struck you from today s hearing? what was really interesting was the different narratives, the fact is the ig was not likely to find that decisions were based on bias. but also it s not true that he didn t find bias. he actually found a lot of bias. it s just that he s not going to assume that the bias he found was the cause of decisions taken by the fbi. bret: not his mandate. that s right. unless someone was going to confess or help out with an email detailing some conspiracy, there wasn t going to be a finding that bias drove the decisions. but the republicans were correct. the report is heavily laden with very disturbing bias, including from the chief investigator. the question is that wasn t his mandate. he s not going to make those assumptions, so where do you go from here? the answer in the constitution as you go to congress. congress has an oversight duty to look into this. some of these questions are simply not answered. for example, lindsey graham was
it s illegal under the cones tug constitution. that s why he s been sued in three different lawsuits and in lee different courts. the big money is the financing. you may well see foreign governments or foreign sovereign wealth funds bail out some of those projects that are not doing well in order to ingratiate themselves with the president. that s what the founders intended to prohibit. i get back to congress. they have an oversight duty. they are not doing anything. we have to look hard at congress in 2018. they re a bunch of hypocrites. you can see the way they re pushing this sexual harassment thing, going after conyers. and who is calling kellyanne conway up to the house saying who are the name of those guys who are harassing her that she claimed in 2016? they don t want to investigate that. they re hypocrites, covering for themselves. i ve been a republican for 30