and that hurt a lot. i would sleep a lot. and i would eat a lot, too. i mean, i d do everything i could not to think about what was going on in front of me. those amazing hands of george lamson. march of that year, i dropped out of college. now you see it. ten years from now, i ll be jamming on stage. this is like 1987. i was driving like 150 miles per hour on this particular curve. and it was just really i don t know why i did that. i just liked the thrill of being on the edge of death. and i felt like maybe i m being protected. and i wanted to see if it was really true. received some settlement money
okay. that s enough, all right? that s enough. can i smell? you overseason everything. i couldn t imagine, one, somebody doing this on their own. and two, i just i wouldn t wish this on my worst enemy. i ve cried harder than any man has ever cried or should be able to cry, and my wife was there to support me to where i could just put my head on her shoulder and cry. it s that constant struggle where my inner voice wants to keep going forward, and the good voice says, yeah, come on, you have that inner strength to do it. but the bad voice says no, stay here. have another shot of liquor.
okay. that s enough, all right? that s enough. can i smell? you overseason everything. i couldn t imagine, one, somebody doing this on their own. and two, i just i wouldn t wish this on my worst enemy. i ve cried harder than any man has ever cried or should be able to cry, and my wife was there to support me to where i could just put my head on her shoulder and cry. it s that constant struggle where my inner voice wants to keep going forward, and the good voice says, yeah, come on, you have that inner strength to do it. but the bad voice says no, stay here. have another shot of liquor. i was doing a dr. jeckyl and mr.
. it was early monday morning, a group of tourists boarded a plane after a weekend of gambling, skiing and watching the super bowl in reno. the plane took off, but within minutes it had crashed. 17-year-old george lambson jr., he was thrown from the plane but miraculously he was able to walk away. you weren t badly hurt at all, were you? no. i feel fine. i just have a few sores along the side of my leg and right here on my hand. i feel just great. very few people have ever survived a plane crash, george. maybe you could tell us how it went. well, we took off and everything seemed okay and we were fine. then all of a sudden we hit some turbulence. we started falling down from the sky. and the pilot told us we were going to crash. and we crashed. the pilot told you? what exactly did he say? he says, we re going down. going down. and how much time do you think you had between hearing that and actual impact? it was about two seconds at