The GTA Online weekly update for December 1-7 includes big boosts to biker sell missions along with cheap resupplies and bonus free car prizes in the crime game
Rockstar is kicking off the holiday festivities in GTA Online, so for the next week or so, players will be getting some nice freebies and Christmas-themed events and rewards. Starting today and through December 29, players who log in and play GTA Online will receive the unreleased Gallivanter Baller ST for free.
The developers of the Grand Theft Auto Online announced that the game received its Weekly update, which brings in new cars, one of which will be given to its players for free, as well as bonuses and discounts.
"GTA Online" Christmas Day 2021 will give discounts and holiday features in the game. "GTA Online" has a new release. GTA fans think it is for the preparation of the release of GTA 6.