in their 787 planes. in a statement provided to oursu show tonight, the company said in part, they continue to prioritize safety and quality while adding reta any retaliation against employees is strictly prohibited. and meanwhile, during a senateau energy and natural resources hearing yesterday, hawleresourcy and energy secretary jennifer granholm had a very tense exchange. this over her past stock ove tes, which she said she didn t do. take a look. they do not own stocks in areas that they have any influence over. nor do i. madam secretary,e influenc all have to say is this record is just deplorable. it is despicable. it is outrags threcord ie, juste that hundreds of officers in the energy department are trading shares. it is outrageous that you tha misled us. it is outrageous, correct. that you are continuing to mislead us and it is outrageous. you re going to conferences. ein and events funded by foreign billionaires using dark money to try to influencbillionae our politics
let s staye senatos us with thae with the energy secretary. you you believe she violatedatet contstock, the stock acthe and, for continuing to own shares in individual companies lastn sr year despite testifying she did not own any individual did, did. she lied to congress. and isn t it a crime if in fact do lie to congress?crime senator? she did lie to congress. what she said, sean, is that she sold all os sh f her shares, that she didn t own any stock and companies that she regulates. nos didn tt true. bac she later then came back months later and came back and said, oh, soup s i made a mistake. in fact, i owned a bunchh of of stock in a bunch of companies, including ford, who the energy department obviously regulates and oversees for then she now expects us to buy that. listen, it is a fact, sean, an independent watchdog has found that she violateindeped the lawe nine separate times, and yet here shehe i is still runningg e the energy department, still trading stocks. i don t belie