ALBAWABA - A video went viral, before being deleted from social media platforms, showing an American YouTuber beheading his father to protest President
Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has issued summons for 47 journalists and YouTubers, with authorities to question the media figures on their alleged sharing of misinformation targeting Supreme Court Judges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge authorities to stop their harassment of journalists and uphold press freedom.
The YouTuber and former state media reporter is blocked from visiting the island after saying the ruling Democratic Progressive Party uses disabled people to gain support during talk show appearance in Taipei.
The world’s richest YouTuber, MrBeast, has sparked a global online frenzy around the time he entered the Chinese market, by offering a cash giveaway of US$25,000 each to 10 random followers.