would suggest he might need support. if he would not accept that support voluntarily, then there could well be grounds for admitting, in order to prevent him actually from completing suicide. in spring 2020, covid restrictions gripped most of the globe. sean had moved to his grandfather s farm, outside newry, to try and get clean. but sinead was alarmed to find he had continued to self harm. daddy was there. he was down to feed the cattle. and i said, where s sean? and he says, i haven t seen sean, and i m here an hour. well, i had this awful feeling. and i went into the house and i went up the stairs and i went over to where the room was that he was staying in. and i knocked the door. ..and he answered. i rememberthinking relief.
and did you see the way she tilted her head, mummy? right, i m going to make . some awkward eye contact with everybody in the audience. that message was for me. irememberthinking. ok, this, this is bigger than me. i can t.| can t help him now. so i need someone who understands what s going on chemically in his brain and understands his behaviour. that description suggests he is experiencing what is termed as psychosis. he s delusional. certainly an issue in relation to, you know, if he has been, if he has a history of suicide and a history of suicide attempts, that s a and these have occurred when he s delusional, that would suggest he needs urgent treatment. so, erm. ..i made the fatal call to. voice breaking: ..er, mental. ..mental health services. ..in newry. voice breaks: in days, he.
look at the road leading to the horizon over there, look. at this point, walking with his mum on slieve gullion, he had his whole life ahead of him. sean was a great, exciting young fella, and he loved to be the centre of attention. so, he enjoyed going to different places with me. and enjoyed being around people and had a lot of promise, great future ahead of him. wasjust simply a great, great fella. 2a years old, a music fan, interested in a career in farming near his home in newry, county down. but sean also barrow serious mental health charges.