On Wednesday, the Riverside Library and Cultural Center will host Music and Movement for children and caregivers to get up and move together while enhancing motor skills and reinforcing early literacy skills.
Saturday Christmas Crafts: 11 a.m., Eaton Public Library, Eaton, 888-861-7323, mylibrary.evanced.info. Double Wide – A Very 90’s Country Christmas (Greeley, CO): 7 p.m., Moxi Theater, 802 Ninth St., Greeley. A Very 90’s Country Christmas Party with special guests; $20, tixr.com. Inglés Conversacional: 6 p.m., Kersey Library, 415 First St., Kersey. ¡Visite la biblioteca de Kersey […]
Wednesday Book to Movie Book Club: 5 p.m., Eaton Public Library, Eaton, 888-861-7323, mylibrary.evanced.info. Centennial Park Tales for Tots: 11 a.m., Centennial Park Library, 2227 23rd Ave., Greeley. A storytime just for 2-4-year-olds! Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes. Participants will leave with a related activity or craft to take home, mylibrary.evanced.info. Citizenship Class […]