landing. that is when they say the passenger sitting next to them, joe, ricky hunley, slapped jonah s face and using a racial slur and telling jonah s mother to shut him up. here s the mother. he looked at me and really hateful way and he said [bleep]. i said, what did you say? because i couldn t believe that he was say that. he fell on to my face and his ear, or his mouth was in my ear and he said it again. but even more hateful. and he was on my face so i pushed him away. bill: bennet says that hunley appeared drunk and reeked of alcohol. he has been charged with assault and is already lost his job. jamie: danica patrick made auto racing history in daytona. it doesn t get more exciting than this. the first woman to qualify with the top spot in a major
remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn t pay expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. you ll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don t wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that s right for you. bill: so now we re going to get new problems for president obama s pick to be america s next defense secretary. allegations surfacing today, that former senator chuck hagel claimed in his speech that the u.s. state
i m a hawk on defense but i want taxpayers and our troops to get a fair deal. bill: i tell you what, you are a talk on defense and that has been your reputation. that is the way you talk every time you come on tv, however in this piece you write the following, the last straw came earlier this month when our navy as you tan day shus lee cancelled the deemployer of a carrier in the persian gulf yelling poverty. you write it s a terrible idea and i m for it. now explain. i was absolutely stunned when the chief of naval operations, with the approval of the chairman of the joint tphaoefs abruptly canceled the deployment of the super carrier u.s.s. harry s. truman to the persian gulf for the sole purpose of pressuring congress in the sequestration. he undercut our national strategy visa see iran.
jamie? jamie: it also lit up the sky, sent a city into a panic. check this out. scientists say they have recovered the first fragments of the meteor that crashed into the planet but is that really what it was? bill: outrage high in the sky when a airline passenger is accused of slapping his toddler that wasn t even his own. now the little boy s mother is telling us why. his mouth was in my ear and he said it again, but even more hateful and he was in my face, so i pushed him away. that is when he slapped john. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole.
rove took two, polk and grant. jamie: good one, jon than. jon: and he s buried in northern manhattan. country star mindy mccready is dead. gruesome details on the death of oscar pistorious. danica patrick makes history. and president obama gloves with tiger woods. some are not too happy about this. fox news takes on mccain plus david gregory, and bret baier joins us on the immigration debate. we have a full couple of hours. bill: see you in 12 minutes. okay. saying no thanks to a free lunch, school district backing out of a new federal lunch program, why they say it s not helping the kid waistline or the bottom line. jamie: and terror at the track. a drag racer turns into a 300-mile per hour fireball.