Burlington, IA- After a two-year hiatus, the Outdoor Youth Jamboree at Big Hollow Recreation Area will be returning on Saturday, June 4th. Events at the Jamboree include instructor-led shooting sports, fishing, guided boat tours of Big Hollow Lake, canoeing on Pat's Pond, a self-guided story walk, pond study, live critters, and tours of the observatory. A Free Lunch will also be provided. Des Moines County Conservation Environmental Education Director Kelly Rundell says that pre-registration is not required, but is highly advised. "Pre-registration is highly encouraged, otherwise you'll have to stand in line and fill out a paper form the day of," Rundell said. For more information, or to register, visit dmcconservation.com or check out Starr's Cave Nature Center on Facebook.
Burlington, IA- After a two-year hiatus, the Outdoor Youth Jamboree at Big Hollow Recreation Area will be returning on Saturday, June 4th. The Outdoor Youth Jamboree is a collaborative effort amongst conservation organizations from the area to get more kids outside experiencing outdoor pursuits that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to try. For more information, or to register, visit dmcconservation.com or check out Starr's Cave Nature Center on Facebook.
Bob Saar
for The Hawk Eye
Des Moines County supervisors ended their Tuesday meeting with department heads by discussing the feasibility of removing the basement-entry restriction that has been in place at the courthouse since last year.
The courthouse front doors were closed last March to entry from Main Street.
Supervisor Jim Cary led off the discussion by saying the county should follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines in re-opening the lobby.
Courthouse maintenance supervisor Rodney Bliesener said people have been inquiring about re-opening the lobby and asked those attending the meeting what they thought about opening the front doors to entry again.
Fill the Lake Flotilla kicks off today
Big Hollow s inaugural event replaces the Outdoor Youth Jamboree this year.
Bob Saar
So what if it rains? You re going to be in the water anyway, Des Moines County Conservation administrative assistant Jeff Breuer said Friday, but it looks like the rain will be gone long before the boats hit the water.
Big Hollow s Fill the Lake Flotilla will be similar to Floatzilla, the Quad Cities annual fleet of kayaks and canoes on the Mississippi every third Saturday in August. We re going to get in a giant flotilla, DMC Conservation Executive Director Chris Lee said. There s going to be a lot of kayakers out there.
Bob Saar
for The Hawk Eye
Des Moines County engineer Brian Carter told the county supervisors and department heads yesterday that residents are ready for Des Moines County 99 to open.
But we re going to have to wait.
Chaired by Jim Cary while chairman Tom Broeker is away on family business, the meeting essentially began with Carter s report on the DMC-99 bridge, the Flint Bottom bridge and county roads in general.
Carter said, If it would quit raining two or three inches all at once, that would help our progress as much as anything on projects. He said Monday s storms didn t cause much damage besides a few downed trees.