Recently, Troop 401 Scouts braved the cold, oncoming darkness, and some unhappy geese as they did their part for the City of Richmond’s Trash for Cash program.
Kirksville Boy Scout Troop 404 Scout Cormac Nolan, of Kirksville, completed his Eagle Scout project on Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, with the creation of a hammock village in the Thousand Hills State Park Special Use Area. The Hammock Village, which consists of four utility poles set into the ground and connected with cross ties, provides a place for campers to hang their hammocks without damaging trees. The installation is designed for five single level hammocks, however, nearby trees can increase that capacity to as many as 12 hammocks.
To date, the Minnesota Land Trust has helped protect 37 camps, nature centers and environmental learning centers, preserving 4,856 acres of natural land and over 37 miles of undeveloped shoreline.
You’re used to seeing them in front of the camera or hitting the stage, but your favorite celebs were once children with hobbies just like any kid, including being scouts!