tremendous concern. this trade issue in tennessee is really heating up in the senate race. the democrat, a popular guy, phil bredesen is inching up in the polls. yeah. we have these unusual circumstances where democrats are trying to outconservative republicans on trade, which we haven t seen in a generation. so you have in tennessee. jack daniels is a big job employer with whiskey in tennessee. they re getting concerned about the trade war. they re putting pressure on marsha blackburn in her senate race. so phil bredesen, the former governor, a pro business democrat, has been campaigning on free trade. he says he opposes the trump tariffs. in missouri, claire mccaskill, a liberal red state senator, is trying to run to the right of josh holly and a big battle in that stay on trade as well. so you have a very tip topsy-turvy landscape where trump is running to the populous side on trade and the