Opportunity oversight hearing on veteran homelessness. I want to apologize first for being a little late. I had another obligation in my responsibility on the budget committee. And my breathe brad winstrup, chair of the Health Subcommittee will not be able to make it and so im going to preside. We have the vha subcommittee chair Julie Brownley and her capable leadership. Thanks for being here. Then my friend from texas and Ranking Member of the subcommittee for Economic Opportunity, orourke is joining me as well. Our chairman is joining us. Thank you, dr. Rowe, for coming, i want to begin by also asking for unanimous consent for congressman mike kauffman, congressman scott peters and i guess thats it to set in on the dais and participate in todays hearing. I dont hear any objection. So ordered. Im going to cut through my remarks here and break from my customary reading a script and just say that this is a subject that is heartbreaking. And when you look at the statistics on veteran hom
Now we know that china russia, venezuela voted to approve this. They will vote to lift the u. S. Sanctions. The only power we have left to override the president s veto, and groups like aipac who i have met with the past several days who have to appeal to democrats, this is a bad deal. That is the only way that this whole process can be stopped. Why does it need to be stopped . It allows them to continue their Nuclear Weapons program. That is not why we passed the sanctions over the last decade. We passed the sanctions to dismantle their nuclear capability. The idea that it is for peaceful, Energy Purposes is laughable. The icbm capability can continue to go forward. You develop that to deliver a nuclear warhead. It will start a middle east arms race. When i was in saudi, they said, why are you negotiating with iran . Our allies are confused and do not know if they are still allies. They are strongly opposed to this. Now we see a Nuclear Arms Race in the middle east, egypt will look at
Because, you know what . I can look around this table and some of you have come in with innovative ideas that i had not thought about. I dont know if it will work, but there is enough evidence and logic to indicate we should try it. Trying to create a space for that is what we are working to do. Governor mccrory, governor walker. Governor mccrory madam, thank you. I have enjoyed your visit and your cookies and your lemonade at the executive mansion, i hope you enjoyed it. A really good time. First of all, i want to congratulate you on your comments on your focus on Mental Health and i include that in addiction because i think that is one of the most serious issues we are facing, as i have found out in my 2. Ive years in my 2. 5 years. The addiction is ending up in our prisons, emergency rooms, and our state prisons and that is not the solution. We have got to come up with a longterm partnership with the federal government, local government, and everyone involved to deal with this very
You could buy that car, and it wouldnt have to be fixed. And we think thats a loophole that needs to be closed. There are also pieces of legislation we wish the senate would consider like giving nhtsa Imminent Hazard Authority. We were criticized last year for having too cozy a relationship with industry, but the reality is, is that when a recall occurs, if the company that has been recalled disagrees with our assessment our recourse so go to court and spend years trying to to litigate that issue while dangerous stuff is on the streets. The alternative is to develop some kind of settlement with the automaker or the oem and, you know usually weve been able to get favorable results that way. But if Congress Wants us to have more teeth, give us the tools so that we can fight those battles directly. And, you know, these are the kinds of things that weve proposed previously, and itd be nice for those issues to be addressed through this legislation. Dave shepardson. East one of those be eith
The region and that is worrisome obviously. In your opinion, do you believe that if we acted in a unilateral manner to impose new sanctions or reimpose existing sanctions, not based on breaking the nuclear dual but based on other activities that we could impose sanctions in the area. Congressman, we believe that the acts on terrorism and destabilization are an area of concern. We have been putting sanctions in place. We reserve the right to put parts delisted on the list again if they are violating terrorism or destabilization provisions. I think that we have powerful tools and i think the world knows we mean to use them and i believe our credibility in doing it has to be for real. We have to be listing people for reasons of terrorism and regional destabilize is. And you feel we have the tools. We definitely have powerful tools. I will yield back the remainder of my time. Thank you. We go to geoff duncan of South Carolina. Thank you. Secretary kerry there are still three or four americ