mcconnell a liar on the floor no one invoked article 19. when senator cotton said that harry was a harry reid was cancerous on the senate, no one invoked rule 19. in fact last week two senators accused me of having false tears. i didn t run to invoke section 19. so the question is why? there are a whole lot of different explanations, people can draw their own conclusions but i will tell you this. i think a lot is because these republicans know that somebody like senator sessions doesn t belong as attorney general, they re feeling the pressure. they re feeling the heat, some of them may have some consciences they re feeling so it results in these absurd actions which backfire on them. you actually think they didn t mean for it to unfoldhe way they did? it was an outburst bornen of guilt? i don t know if it s brought on by guilt but i know it was not planned. i talked to a number of high-up