three hours ago. they re scheduled to spend six months on this space station doing about 200 scientific research projects andand maintenance on the out p. they re not going to see all these people for half a year. what are they going to discovering so much. they know that s possible. rock science is not easy. once they do launch. they ll fly 24.5 hours up to the international space station where they ll dock very early friday morning. right now, 13 minutes away from the launch, no issues being declared by nasa at all. standby, phil, we ll see you in 13 minutes. > > in 13 minutes. > coming up, a christian college asked the supreme court to hear a case on gender identity dorm rules under the
in washington, not a backbenchern,, but someone who could tell the story the way it needed to w be articulated to get everyone ,including conservatives on the democratic side of the aisle to join us . it s going to happen.i i m very optimistic about it. but again, one outcome if you want to join the teletón hall of president trump friday six when i when i pretty early in the process supported president trump, i was brutalized by conservatives t and i said i knowhe the guy. he s going to govern conservatively and i let people on a daily basis kick the out p of me and that went for the better part of a year.wo and then two years into the presidency, all of a sudden those people that were pounding on me, wow,g donald trump really is a conservative. i know that about you and the people of pennsylvania. i know will you ll make them proud. we wish you the best. b doctorow ses thanks for being with us. all right. coming up tonight , florida t lawmakers standing in a huge way and their wolke