diversity is not a strength in politics. the strength in politics is unity, if a you want to have a strong, united country you want the citizens to be united. you don t want everyone to be the same, you need to make an allowance for pluralism but it s not good to promote division. i m fine with having hyphenated americans, what bothers me is if you emphasize the part becomes before the american part. i think you can recognize hyphenated americans but you emphasize the commonalities. the shared history, the shared devotion to republican principles, the love of country. if there s one thing identity politics is strong on, it sou making you hate your country, making you despise your past, making you hate your fellow countrymen. tucker: if you and i hate each other over qualities you born with and can t change, how is the division evernge, reconcilede.?
tucker: a woman named stacy abrams came the democratic rebuttal to the state of the union, she s not an office holder, she lost the governor s race in the last election. party leaders have big plans for her, her speech last night wasn t much she talked mostly about herself but far more interesting was a piece that she wrote in this month s foreign affairs magazine, it s called identity politics strengthens democracy and if you want to understand what the democratic party seeks for this country you ought to read the piece. she went to yale law school so the article itself is a chore to get to, it s written in that cloying, indirect academic style which passes for erudition, a lot of meaningless adjectives.
tucker: socialism is in the news for the first time in a long time, senator bernie sanders from vermont and congresswoman coexandra ocasio-cortez have become famous for calling for socialism in this country, the president used his estate of the union to respond to them directly, here s part of it. president trump: we are alarmed by the new calls to adopt socialism in our country.n america was founded on liberty and independence, and not government coercion, domination, and control. we were born free and we will stay free. tonight we renew our resolve
they do the public self-flagellation to atone for the sins of the fathers but in the long run it s untenable. how much longer until whites say why don t we get to have an identity? and the day that happens, then you get some form of yugoslavia, rwanda, you get vulcanization, or ethnic tribalism, groups citing against one another. it s untenable in the short-term but i don t see how you can have a country in the long run with identity politics in that paradox is it may well create white nationalism, what they claim to a post today. tucker: that s something to fear to be really clear because of the results. i don t mean to pick on stacy abrams, shepr represents a much larger group of people who would tell us the same thing which is this works, we must embrace it. doesn t work? you ve studied this question extensively, you re aar scholar. is there a country in which this way of looking at the world has produced a stable nation?
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