the food and drug administration, the fda is expected to rule today whether to approve a new drug for treating alzheimer s. it will be a huge deal. there are more than six million americans suffering from alzheimer s. our cnn medical correspondent joins us now. i was just talking about his mother and dealing with alzheimer s. is this if something that gets approved could make a meaningful difference in their lives? you know, poppy, it really depends on how advanced someone s alzheimer s is. this drug is not for people with advanced alzheimer s. it s really sad to say. that as you just sort of mentioned with your friend s mom, those people need help so badly. this is a drug that has shown or as some people say sort of shown that it can help slow cognitive decline in the every, very earl stages of alzheimer s. let s take a hook at what the
implement this plan. it appears to be a done deal. but i will say the teachers union does not appear to be giving up any time soon so this is a ga will likely continue. they re going to dig their heels in. the parents need answers. they need to know their children are going to be face and the transportation is really important. thank you so much. thank you. all right. later on starting point we will speak with barbara byrd-bennett and karen lewis. she is the president of the teacher s union at 8:30 eastern. it is no secret this fast food not always healthy food for your children, but even some restaurants with so-called healthy meals have their share of some calorie surprises on the menu. our cnn medical correspondent joins us right now. elizabeth, there s a new report that is pretty surprising. it is sure pricing, john. the sheer numbers, they took a look at 50 big restaurant chains and found 91% of them don t meet the nutritional guidelines of their own association, of th
phase of the transition, the next milestone. we ll set a goal for afghan forces to take the lead for combat operations across the country in 2013. next year. so that isaf can move to a supporting role. this will be another step towards afghans taking full lead for their security as agreed to by 2014 when the everyone saf combat mission will end. and police in chicago are certainly hoping that their mission is a lottese ier today, easier than it was yesterday. what a mess. protesters opposed to the war among other things, vow to be back out on the streets again today and my colleague ted rollins is there too. so, ted, things got ugly quickly yesterday. how are things looking today and have they taken any additional measures to keep things in check? reporter: well, so far so good in terms of today. it s very quiet today. however there s a protest that s ramping up here in the next hour at boeing where protesters are going to surround the building and right now police have p
officers responded but have not found anyone matching that description. the sighting was reported outside deitrick hall. a lot of sensitivity right here. we want to make it clear that this is not confirmed, it s not a confirmed sighting as of now, but instead authorities are acting on what eyewitness accounts have directed them on. we have kelsey hiter who s on the phone with us, she was the managing editor of collegiate times at virginia tech. so kelsey, what more can you tell us about what is believed to have taken place on campus. i m on the south end of campus closest to our main sbras on our main road over here, there s a lot of cop cars here, i haven t heard any sirens there, s no reports of an actual gunst sound. we are on an official lockdown, doors are completely closed. there are some guards around campus, but just the hustle and bustle of cop cars, news anchors and stuff like that. there s no reports of injuries, just a little bit of a scare right now. you said
that s another way of saying anesthetic sedation. it makes her comfortable between the examination times, breathing tubes are terribly uncomfortable. she s got to be feeling pain from the surgery itself so we want to make her as comfortable as on. possible. when you put her to sleep it might be a little bit more, i guess accurate way of describing it, she feels no pain at that time. the whole purpose is so that she doesn t feel pain? correct. we spoke the other night with dr. sanjay gupta, our cnn medical correspondent who himself is a neurosurgeon. he says sometimes you do an indupsed coma to make sure the swelling in the brain doesn t go on and a way of dealing with the issues that could complicate the recovery. and that s ywhy i m uncomfortable with induced c a coma. we have barbiturate coma for knocking down the metabolic rate of the brain cells so they don t