Prop C funds released! San Francisco takes first step to move dial on homelessness
May 2, 2021
The history of housing and homelessness in San Francisco is rife with violence, racism and inhumanity. It is no different today, with sheriff-enforced evictions, DPW and SFPD sweeps of homeless people from their sleep in 2 a.m. raids and systematic gentrification of Black and Brown neighborhoods. So many people born and raised here have been pushed out of their own homes and into the streets to make room for tech oligarchs and their minions to reside alone in remodeled open floor plan one-bedrooms that once housed whole families – an injustice the city has committed against its own. Proposition C funnels $300 million annually towards permanent housing, shelter, mental health care and services for homeless San Francisco residents as a 0.5 percent tax on businesses making over $50 million a year – pennies for them, but potentially shelter for people in desperate need. – Photo: Beth La