d. tatme tur se aca stsc d tis rmeht f you r fou ell,orne thin i s u rel, gat, y re wderfin sople guesre wha gt, ye bere y get wourrfone le ve u osaes bha lanho be yet r suppeedlyn thills o usa b paastan eil:ou k w th pplythonalls o patrumans re aeal? l: k th ion think ial s honey umre a l? or h fam i t nk i reay do ht.ey nothe wa h han es htham is es, ea s tdoway h alksnoewa h abant thissu. he is, t brullyy hks ank, abthsu unus lly unt. rui tynkhe tasike ak,oxer usy evt. thoh he take llioerire. ievuspeho he g to io e. llio ire recelype bec se g didtot tk ike a ioe ec ybillecnair heidtkes wh llir thehe j w s andhe j ue t bng lorof h s nd nore s tike bisasor ving h anorr s noelight ias ng t smal,oor no gh i mea tma ctici meaoo cci scur for mo igne. they ri hur r ars.gn