here. we re following congresswoman we re following congresswoman giffords. giffords. her recovery has been nothing her recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. short of miraculous. we expect another life update in we expect another life update in her doctors on how well it s her doctors on how well it s going as well as the rest of the going as well as the rest of the victims and how their recovery victims and how their recovery is as well. is as well. we re also expecting to hear we re also expecting to hear from the daughter of one of the from the daughter of one of the people in the hospital. people in the hospital. stay right here on msnbc. thank you. we ll see you monday where the we ll see you monday where the health care debate, take two on health care debate, take two on capitol hill. ar insurance? host: was abe lincoln honest? mary todd: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps a. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car
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