mifepristone one of the most commonly used abortion drugs the restrictions were set to g into effect at one a.m. on saturday, but just hours after this protest, the supreme cour issued a five-day hold o restricting the availability o mifepristone justice samuel alito, th author of the dobbs decision stripping away the constitutional right to an abortion, ruled that access to mifepristone will remain statu quo until the supreme court ca make a final decision on wednesday. there is no guarantee that the supreme court will over turn the abortion pill restrictions the on the five-day stay, an abortion advocates continue to fight republican opposition to abortion access. the president of narrow nara pro-choice america - nothing about the rulings from the lower courts trump appointed judges at any basi in medical science with a steeped in reckless disinformation and total disregard for the law. as this case continues safe an effective medication abortio in all 50 states is at sever
that s the theory of standing. because women sometimes come i for medical care because of th drug that they therefore get t sue them this is like the tow truck driver suing ford motor compan because they don t like to g pick up crashes on the side of the road that just makes hash out of ou federal courts even this supreme court should know better than that. so i am deeply disturbed by th sense of lawlessness, th impunity that these judges have, a contempt for the rule of law but i will say, republicans ar running themselves into cul-de-sac as one of these presidential candidates after another, pence, and then tim scott, vow for nationwide abortion ban, i l make a prediction right here and now, there will be never b a president elected wh promises to ban abortion nationwide, ever well, you invoked his name, so let s talk about him. and nbc news colleague ali vitale had a remarkabl exchange today on abortion access was republican senato
it s also an acknowledgmen that we the republicans ar willing to buck popular opinio and tradition and the rules in order to get what they want accomplished their agenda is that important to them. and i think we have to acknowledge that what this i doing to american women an american birthing people i it s putting us in a state o constant confusion and fear an and on sustainability. this back and force the keep happening through the courts through laws, is it going to happen forever we can t actually buil sustainable lives like this, especially this country is going to force birth but the cut the food stamps to fee those children, not make sur that their air and water i quality, and continue to increase the likelihood that these young people will be sho or assaulted in school nothing about that is pro-life this kind of confusion i intentional. so ultimately we need to see congress act to make sure that they enshrined the right t access in abortion in the law.