Community in sri lanka. They have must be looking for some high profile. Easter is an event a high profile event and they want the maximum Public Safety out of the attacks that could be one of the reasons but experts have pointed out in the past that Islamist Groups are gaining ground gaining its trending certain not only in sri lanka but other south asian countries. From afghanistan and pakistan where they are already really strong so they are branching out they are trying to do and they should and they have no receipts or likely it could be. An islamist but we gone be ready sure about it as authorities have not confirmed who could be behind these attacks this is the most severe. Instance you know its Civil War Decade Ago what has been the Security Situation generally in leading up to this
series of attacks. Well they pretty much renewed violence and i believe that it was also kind of a facade a calm facade that the government thought that we have control and radical groups. Beat isla
Billeted. Not only animals. To. The market. To conservation. This is d. W. News live from berlin antigovernment protesters in hong kong kick off a new mass rally to find stern warnings from china. Was. Thousands taking to the streets for a 9th straight weekend previous protests turned violent after clashes with police
also coming up. 5 years ago socalled Islamic States trying to exterminate the yazidi people of iraq now work begins to open mass graves in the hopes of finding those who vanished without a trace. And Women In Saudi Arabia again the freedom to travel without the consent of a male relative the new laws are considered a major step for Womens Rights in the kingdom but conservatives oppose the loosening of the traditional Guardianship System. I marry in evanston and its good to have you with us another mass antigovernment rally in hong kong thousands of people have gathered in one of the major Shopping Areas in the city Center Police have called on protesters to take to design
JUCHITÁN DE ZARAGOZA, Oax., septiembre 29 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La Borchard Foundation, a través de su Centro de Artes Literarias (Center on Literary Arts).
En sesión solemne del Congreso del Estado de Chiapas, el gobernador Rutilio Escandón Cadenas impuso la Medalla “Rosario Castellanos” a la doctora Silvia Guadalupe Ramos Hernández como un reconocimiento a su trayectoria académica y científica enfocada, principalmente, en el monitoreo sísmico y volcánico. Ramos Hernández recibió la máxima presea que entrega el Congreso del Estado, en cuyo muro de honor se develó su nombre, en un acto en el que estuvieron presentes el presidente de la Mesa Directiva, José Octavio García Macías, las y los diputados que integran la LXVII Legislatura, así como invitadas e invitados especiales que se dieron cita en la sede del Poder Legislativo.En ese marco, el mandatario estatal destacó la importancia que tienen el desarrollo científico y la investigación para impulsar el progreso de los pueblos, por lo que subrayó la contribución que la investigadora Silvia Ramos Hernández ha hecho a la entidad a través del estudio de la tierra, si