have been something else. this reminds me when people got upset the mexican team played a u.s. team in l.a. and mexican showed en masse because they were soccer fans and they started to cheer for mexico and waving the mexican flag. people said this is america, don t do it. i understood that. there is a context there and there is a context here. eric: in to america and chanting the mexican juan: no, they were american citizens but they re from mexico. they were chanting for the mexican side over the americans. kimberly: both of them, we re all americans here at the table. you the american flag on. you are a patriot. eric bolling has a flag on. why is this different, dana? perhaps it is. what are your thoughts? dana: i think as a person who supporting local and state control of school districts and allowing principals and superintendents to make their own decisions and not have the federal government be doing that for them, i think the adults exercised their best judgment.
with his ability to speak english and reach across the borders and with the authority that he brings as ahim as a religious figure. how do you think years later, the intelligence community is better equipped, certainly but how well equipped to handle these kinds of threats which would include threats from different regions? we have completely restructured our intelligence community. we added a whole new tier of bureaucracy. the office of the director of intelligence created a whole new department. department of homeland security and added hundreds of thousands of jobs. and yet you still have situations like the nigerian underwear bomber. where the father, one of the richest men in nigeria, goes in and tells the cia that his son is an islamic extreme wist a visa to america. six weeks later, he s on a plane to detroit. you wonder how much all of this
michelle obama said barack would change tradition and history. as crazy as it sounds, it s not that difficult because no one knows it. if you don t know american history, how are you going to save the country? why is it worth saving? it s open game for anyone who wants to alter it. don t think it s a coincidence. look at the questions. i put one up on the chalkboard. you have tell me. this is for fourth grade. write the letter below, the correct square on the timeline. jamestown, the year james town was founded. that would be a. the united states constitution was written, that is b. 1787. christopher columbus sails to america. that s c. abraham lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation. i don t know. this is already taken.
michelle obama said barack would change tradition and history. as crazy as it sounds, it s not that difficult because no one knows it. if you don t know american history, how are you going to save the country? why is it worth saving? it s open game for anyone who wants to alter it. don t think it s a coincidence. look at the questions. i put one up on the chalkboard. you have tell me. this is for fourth grade. write the letter below, the correct square on the timeline. jamestown, the year james town was founded. that would be a. the united states constitution was written, that is b. 1787. christopher columbus sails to america. that s c. abraham lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation. i don t know. this is already taken.
shriver. we covered it over the weekend, really made a career of political activism and service, and i m just curious what message would he want to pass along, robert, to america s youth? well, you know, it s the same message that we try tried to get across in this film which is that you have to participate for the democracy to work, and if we don t participate, our democracy is going to end up in a place which is just like the kind of corporate kleptocracy, a feudal system that our ancestors fled from the united states to europe to escape, and that s what happened in west virginia. if you want to see a glimpse of the future that sargent shriver was fighting to avoid go to west virginia and see how the corporations are running that state and running it into the ground. and the kids who are fighting back, the kids who are coming from all over america in the green equivalent of selma, hundreds of which have been arrested in west virginia, who are fighting just like the people in sa