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With the claim “If it moves you, it moves us” the delivery brand taps insights for the Spanish market
Uber Eats has appointed LOLA MullenLowe as its agency of record following a creative review. The agency will deliver strategy-driven, creative platforms for the Uber Eats business in Spain.
The first TV campaign, featuring the beloved former Real Madrid footballer, Steve Mcmanaman, highlights the unique relationship and emotional bond Spanish people have with food. A country that collectively cries for a fallen paella, exalts its meatballs and celebrates its very best restaurants.
“Sometimes it takes someone from another country to help us better appreciate what we have here at home. Uber Eats is connecting with Spanish people, thanks to Steve McManaman, a well-known admirer of Spanish culture - along with other urban legends, like Mikel Montoro and the paella family – to drive home the idea of how food really moves the Spanish