the house. sean: that is kind of the point here. how have we got ton this point got ton this point with the president using all of his scare tactics and all his fear mongering, congressman ss trgess, using veterans and seniors as a wedge and political pawns in this battlf- how have we got then far and the president himself never had the moral courage to put on paper and lead and tell the american people what his bill is? sean, you know good and well, it is amateur hour at the white house and has been for some sometime and unfortunately will contilse to be. is why it is so important to me that we confine the damage of to singleht inistration toshie presidential term. i m afraid he will use it to his advantage and ultimately will gain himself a second term. the caps may not be the best ss tt they are similar to the graham rudd man caps free choice act the ot99 fu which did work until future congress undid them. they put aions itional restrors
point got ton this point with the president using all of his scare tactics and all his fear mongering, congressman ss trgess, using veterans and seniors as a wedge and political pawns in this battlf- how have we got then far and the president himself never had the moral courage to put on paper and lead and tell the american people what his bill is? sean, you know good and well, it is amateur hour at the white house and has been for some sometime and unfortunately will contilse to be. is why it is so important to me that we confine the damage of to singleht inistration toshie presidential term. i m afraid he will use it to his advantage and ultimately will gain himself a second term. the caps may not be the best ss tt they are similar to the graham rudd man caps free choice act the ot99 fu which did work until future congress undid them. they put aions itional restrors so that the senate would require a three fifth s vote to