dream. it cruelly rigs an unfair system even further against hardworking americans. plus the president later today designates opioid abuse as a national health crisis. it falls short of a promise to declare a full national emergency. everyone that we need know of someone who had a close encounter with the heroin epidemic. 54 years after that fateful november day in dallas, reams of long sealed documents about the assassination of a president, the debate about whether lee harvey oswald acted alone. a lot of experience theories are about if you believe he is the lone gunman. people are going to be on the oswald files. we begin with a big moment in
presidential historian douglas brinkley, professor, thank you for being with us on this big day for you. what are you expecting from this release? any bombshells? well, i think we re going to be most interested in seeing what the cia files are, particularly as it relates to lee harvey oswald. oswald was in mexico city before coming to dallas. he had visited a cuban coun sue late. there s been a lot of the conspiracy theories about even if you believe oswald was the lone gunman who was he working for? was it just an oddball geek, fanatic who shot the president, or working with cuba or russia or mafia in miami or chicago, so i think when is the first batch of these are coming out, people will be honing in on the oswald files of both fbi and cia. douglas, you know, the intelligence community as a whole has been retie sapts to have these released at all for a long time because they could disclose sources and methods and prove embarrassing.
his niece said she does not know if lee harvey oswald acted alone in the killing. that s just the kind of speculation that has kept conspiracy theorists busy for a half century. senior political analyst brit hume has some thoughts on all this tonight. good evening, brit. hi, bret. when the night club owner jack ruby shot accused kennedy assassin lee harvey oswald to death in a dallas police department hallway he ended more than oswald s life. he ended any chance that the case that oswald had killed kennedy and done so alone would ever be tested in a court of law. the blue ribbon commission led by then chief justice earl warren has proved a poor substitute. reams of material pointing in a multitude of directions have given rise to a welter of alternate theories of the kennedy murder. some say the cia was behind it. some say lyndon johnson was. others say the mob did it. my personal favorite is the one propounded by a british writer who continued in a book called the oswald files that