macron has done a picture of the golf this is not going to go down well unless it s a cunning pod by the saudis to there ll the sky under the bus, as it were some people are suggesting that. i the bus, as it were some people are suggesting that- suggesting that. i suppose the ossibili suggesting that. i suppose the possibility is suggesting that. i suppose the possibility is he suggesting that. i suppose the possibility is he could - suggesting that. i suppose the possibility is he could spill- suggesting that. i suppose the possibility is he could spill of. possibility is he could spill of beings, can he about the saudi involvement? beings, can he about the saudi involvement? ~ , , ., , involvement? absolutely. if he does, his life would involvement? absolutely. if he does, his life would not involvement? absolutely. if he does, his life would not be involvement? absolutely. if he does, his life would not be entirely - involvement? absolutely. if he does, his life would no
involved as well, but mostly against him as the president. band involved as well, but mostly against him as the president. him as the president. and how cuickl him as the president. and how quickly could him as the president. and how quickly could those him as the president. and how quickly could those legal- quickly could those legal proceedings start, do you think? i proceedings start, do you think? i think that it is unlikely that the legal proceedings will actually start, because the attorney general, as most people think, is not willing to open legal proceedings against bolsonaro, he was appointed by bolsonaro, he was appointed by bolsonaro, reappointed very recently, people criticise him for not being neutral, so i don t think that there is a likelihood that the legal proceedings will start, but they could start very quickly, if there was no political will on the part of the attorney general. band there was no political will on the part of the attorney-general. and if there
Tornando all’azione in Europa League dopo due settimane difficili in campionato, il Leicester City domani, giovedì 30 settembre, incontra la capolista del .
Giovedi 30 settembre ore 21, allo Slavuty?-Arena in Ucraina si affrontano Zorya vs Roma. Secondo match del gruppo C valevole per la seconda partita della fase .