Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, Director of the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA) of BiH, spent 300,000 KM more than he earned, according to the financial investigation ordered by the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, "Avaz" portal reveals
The portal of Avdo Avdić, which is under the direct control of Osman Mehmedagić Osmica and Bakir Izetbegović, published recycled news according to which the largest media house in BiH "Avaz" evaded 11 million KM in direct taxes
After a new criminal complaint was filed with the Prosecutor's Office of B&H three weeks ago against Osman Mehmedagić, ISA Director, Muriz Druškić, a former ISA employee, but also Samir Rizva, Mate Miletić, B&H Assistant Minister of Security, and Munib Isaković, Head of the State Security authorities, due to the "Recording" affair, this judicial institution has already started working on this case, the "Avaz" portal has learned.
In the "Diploma" affair, in which Denis Prcić, owner of the American University in B&H, and Osman Mehmedagić, director of the ISA Intelligence and Security Agency, were arrested earlier, the B&H Prosecutor's Office expanded the investigation to several people because there is a high degree of suspicion that others forged diplomas from the American University in B&H, which are used by employees in B&H institutions
Dutch judge Kees van der Weide, who was hired as a legal expert to advise the HJPC, published an interesting analysis regarding the acquittal of the Second Instance Disciplinary Commission for Judges of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC B&H) in the case of Ranko Debevec