beefsteak is their owners for a bite to eat. your beefsteak is served, their owners for a bite to eat. your beefsteak is served, little - their owners for a bite to eat. ymg- beefsteak is served, little one! their owners for a bite to eat. your| beefsteak is served, little one! the ositive beefsteak is served, little one! the positive cafe beefsteak is served, little one! the positive cafe caters for dogs as well as their human lunchtime companions. among the items on the many today, beefsteak with a selection of seasonal vegetables, meat balls garnished with core jetty, chicken pizza orfor the more refined pooch palate, a full afternoon tea. all diners, whether to leg it 4 legged, i said equally. the idea of the cafe is for owners and their pets to enjoy a wide range of delicious food together, at the same table. i of delicious food together, at the same table- of delicious food together, at the same table. ., , ~ , . same table. i always think it s nice to no same table. i al