they understand the danger tha these weapons pose we should not have weapons o war in the hands of civilians. and watching the republicans vying for presidents and their political ambitions, being afraid of the nra and this bowing down to them is shameful it really says one thing to, m again the contrast between democrats, who are about governing, safety, putting people first and the extremist of the gop were just trying to brought on to the nra and brin out the worse than people. it is shameful reverent, i really is. i was hard to see tennessee state represents justin jone and justin pierson bot reinstalled, reinstated to the state legislature this week. now senate democrats led b chuck schumer and senato raphael warnock are now callin on the justice department to determine whether th republican-led tennessee house violated the federal civil rights of these two democrat
poor and to the rich leading off our discussion tonight is democratic senato sheldon whitehouse, member o the senate judiciary committee and the chairman of the senate budget committee senator whitehouse, we now - it feels like we are in an emergency situation here wit the supreme court. and you are calling tonight fo an investigation by th attorney general of clarence thomas and based on this failure to disclose, which is - it s impossible to see this as anything but an extremely clea violation of law yeah, this all takes plac under a federal statute, the ethics and government act. and the personal hospitality exemption that has been in the news the last few years, few weeks is a feature of th ethics in government act the requirement that justice
for clarence thomas to be able to fulfill his oath as a supreme court justice to, quot these are the words in the supreme court justice oath - quote, administer justic without respect to persons and to do equal right to the poore poor and to the rich leading off our discussion tonight is democratic senato sheldon whitehouse, member o the senate judiciary committee and the chairman of the senate budget committee senator whitehouse, we now - it feels like we are in an emergency situation here wit the supreme court. and you are calling tonight fo an investigation by th attorney general of clarence thomas and based on this failure to disclose, which is - it s impossible to see this as anything but an extremely clea violation of law yeah, this all takes plac under a federal statute, the ethics and government act.
heart and soul over democrac in tennessee let s listen to what senato raphael warnock said about you and representative pierson i the last hour with alex wagner these are young people, still in their twenties, and you know, i remembered tha there was another youn preacher by the name of martin luther king jr. who was 27 years old, the age of thes young legislators, and the res is history so you never know th difference that your voice wil make, but i m glad they decide to stand up and buy some strok of grace and human resilienc they have captured the imagination of the whole country and i hope pushed us closer to finally getting some common sense gun safety laws passed in the congress and the kind of movement we in the nee to safeguard a mobocracy what is your reaction t that senator warnock, a time t him earlier today. it means a lot, for someone, h
get away with murder that is our show for thi evening. we will see you again tomorrow now it s time for the last word, with lawrence o donnell. good evening, lawrence good evening, alex. i was just listening to senato warnock on your show talking about the 27-year-olds i tennessee and the tennesse house of representatives who have jumped into our present day, and we believe into our history in a way that we haven t seen, as he pointed out, since martin luther king was 2 years old, when he came to prominence as a civil rights leader it is what feels like a terrible moment for the country, but out of it there are thes absolute lightning sparks of hope in the form of those thre lawmakers who have bee