surely have let out one of those horrible monstrous carlson cackles that he alone seems to think is the sound of human laughter, that noise tucker carlson makes has been wrongly described is a childish giggle. a child s giggle is not full of hatred and cruelty. the sound tucker carlson makes and his most joyce joyous, his most happy moments, when he is laughing, is a sound that oscar wilde surely would have called monstrous. the marcus of queensbury was a member of the social class of the british previously call nobility. there has never been anything noble about them. but they believe in their own nobility in the same way that tucker carlson believes in his.
hannity, queensbury never finished college. he was so disliked what he is not allowed to be a member of the house of lords. his first wife successfully sued him on the grounds of divorce on the grounds of adultery. he he lived on the grounds of hatred, the full force of which he aimed at the brilliant writer oscar wild, who he believed was having an affair with one of queensbury s sons. homosexuality was a crime in britain then, and lord queensbury convinced prosecutors to bring a criminal case against oscar wild, which ended in a guilty verdict and a sentence of two years of hard labor which oscar wild served before spending the last two years of his life in exile in france. four years before he was prosecuted, with his classic novel the picture of dorian gray still being read around the world, oscar wild wrote, the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.
sound tucker carlson makes and his most joyce joyous, his most happy moments, when he is laughing is a sound that oscar wild surely would have called monstrous. well the marcus of queensbury was a mom lover of the social class of the british previously call nobility. there has never been anything noble about them. but they believe in their own nobility in the same way that tiger carlson believes in his. the marquis of queens where he was known for one other thing besides attacking one of the world s greatest artists for his sexual orientation. queensbury put his name on the rules of boxing. he didn t invent the rules. queensbury just took them from someone else, put his name on them, and gets credit for the rules of boxing to this day. he believed there was a proper way to punch someone.
version of lauren queensbury s upbringing. they were both born rich enough to never have to work day in their lives. they were both students who never achieved any high academic distinction. like many of the most influential voices in the history of right-wing american media queensbury never finished college. he was so disliked what he is not allowed to be a member of the house of lords. his first wife successfully sued him for divorce on the grounds of adultery. he he lived on the grounds of hatred, the full force of which he aimed at the brilliant writer oscar wild, who he believed was having an affair with one of queensbury s sons. homosexuality was a crime in britain then, and lord queensbury convinced prosecutors to bring a criminal case against oscar wild, which ended in a guilty verdict and a
sentence of two years of hard labor which oscar wild served before spending the last few years of his life in exile in france. four years before he was prosecuted, with his classic novel, the picture of dorian gray, still being read around the world, oscar wild wrote, the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. if tucker carlson had been commenting on the news of the day in 19th century london, we know whose side he would have been on. he would have been cheering on lord queensbury s torment of oscar wilde. when oscar wilde was sentenced to hard labor for being a human being, tucker carlson would