Libres bajo fianza tras declararse culpables de recibir sobornos y otros cargos de corrupcion. Arrestan a 100 delincuentes que asaltaron varias tiendas de filadelfia, rompieron ventanas, robaron siete autos, esto en un presunto ataque coordinado. Cargado de record volvio a pisar tierra El Astronauta frank rubio tras pasar mas de un ano en el espacio. Yo llore cuando se fue giorgio ahorita que no lo estaba viendo. este es el Noticiero Univision con jorge ramos ella calderon. Ilia comenzamos nuestra mision en la biblioteca presidencial ronald reagan, donde esta misma noche siete precandidatos republicanos se vera la cara por segunda vez, esto para exponer sus respectivas agendas en los graves temas que afectan al pais como la economia, la inflacion, la relacion con china, entre otros, esta vez donald trump tampoco participara, luis ha estado aqui y nos dice como ultima los ultimos detalles del evento. Luis el escenario esta listo para que siete precandidatos republicanos le digan a Los E
And we start with the heat, chuck just talked about. We are warming up and quickly, and the feellike temperature is expected to hit the triple digits later this afternoon. Storm team 4 is staying ahead of what could be dangerous heat, chuck, and for how many more days . Well, we have to go through at least today and tomorrow with the heat and humidity combination, but the cooler air may be several more days away after that. Just all haze, heat, and humidity out there today. What you need to know about the weather. Heat indexes up around 100 degrees again today, and even with temperatures in the mid90s, itll be hot, nowhere near the record. The record set four years ago in 2012 is 105 degrees without the heat index. Tomorrow, promises to be a little hotter and a little worse than today. The humidity, greg, looks like itll arrive here as we get towards sunday. But for now, the current heat indexes are already in the mid90s out there. There will be a chance for a cooling shower or two com
Leftist immigration policies are contributing to the brutal rapes of an untold number of women and girls. Instead of reversing course, most Democrat politicians ignore it.
"Last Call: When a Serial Killer Stalked Queer New York" (TV-MA, four 50-minute episodes, Max) This is a detailed, intensely human four-part docuseries based on the award-winning 2021 investigative book "Last Call: A True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York" by Elon Green, set in the early 1990s as the AIDS crisis worsens, when a serial killer preys upon gay men in New York; the victims lives are a primary focus. With Matt Foreman, Bea Hanson and David Wertheimer of the NYC Anti-Violence Project; directed by Anthony Caronna.
San Jose is considering opening the largest so-called safe parking site in the South Bay, but some people are concerned the project will create more problems.