Legendary Bollywood actor Rajesh Khanna was known as the First superstar of Indian cinema and enjoyed a massive fan following during the 60s and 70s because of his amazing acting performances and charming looks.
Actress-turned-film producer and author Twinkle Khanna shared a picture featuring her and her superstar father Rajesh Khanna on their "shared birthday."Twinkle took to Instagram, where she dropped a black and white picture of Rajesh .
Rahul Koli has passed away at age 10 after a long battle with leukaemia. The child actor starred in the upcoming movie 'Last Film Show', set to release on ..
throat and has to face the judgment of his vegan co-workers for eating meat. tyrus i want to ask you a question about this because you deal in an aggressive area of sport and it s like why does like why do what does being in a car amplify and speed up the response to violence? like if there s no space between your feeling and what happens next, it is alike, you know, in that good fell as scene where he hops out of the car and beats up the guy with a gun. everybody s like that in a car and you can t stop it until it s over. tyrus: and it s not just men it s women, too, because i learned all my cuss words from sitting next to my mom and pretty much everyone s a racist [bleep] when they re driving in their car. you have three more doc. dr. drew: thank you. tyrus: there s something about a personification of you. when someone denies your car entry it s a personal attack. and it s like, this is what the