in florida a new bill is on the table that would require schools to include dress standards in their codes of conduct. it says no clothing in a revealing clothing. i go to you first for no reason in particular. how do you stand on the whole saggy pants thing? i will pro saggy pants. you are? i - q. i don t i don t wear them anymore myself because i am too old to. when did you stop? what day is it? tuesday. there is a war on youth and all we do is attack youth for everything for their fashion. there is more important issues to deal with like the osama conspiracy. in new york they criminalize baggie pants. in florida and georgia they are criminalizing the baggie
in florida a new bill is on the table that would require schools to include dress standards in their codes of conduct. it says no clothing in a revealing clothing. i go to you first for no reason in particular. how do you stand on the whole saggy pants thing? i will pro saggy pants. you are? i - q. i don t i don t wear them anymore myself because i am too old to. when did you stop? what day is it? tuesday. there is a war on youth and all we do is attack youth for everything for their fashion. there is more important issues to deal with like the osama conspiracy. in new york they criminalize baggie pants. in florida and georgia they are criminalizing the baggie pants.