DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - The Daytona Beach Police Department are on the hunt for 37 year-old Chad Keene, the main suspect in the murder of 30 year-old Karli Elliott. Police say Keene is believed to have shot Elliott to death near Glenview Blvd at around 1.
Feb 10, 2021 11:24 AM Ormond Beach, FL - The choice of Ortona Elementary School over Osceola Elementary School made by the Volusia County School Board (VCSB) last August will stand. The decision to not reconsider the choice was made during yesterday s (February 9) meeting despite an offer of $1,950,000 as an economic incentive from the city of Ormond Beach. Osceola Elementary School is in the district belonging to District 4 Commissioner Carl Persis. When the decision was made last year, Persis is the only Board member who voted against the choice of Ortona Elementary. He said he believes the other Board members didn t want to revisit the issue and were not swayed by the offer of money from Ormond Beach. Because I was the only one that voted against it originally, it would take a member who was on the prevailing side to want to bring the issue back up. Persis said that Osceola Elementary School will be open for a couple of more years as Ortona Elementary students go