The troubling ministration the American Economy super c. E. O. Robert nardelli is our guest on this edition of politics. To a special edition of politicking on larry king President Donald Trump is taking credit for a record breaking stock market substantial cuts in government regulations trade policies he claims will help american businesses and of course the tax reform plan which he tells as a gift to the middle class critics denounces nothing more than a Corporate Tax benefit so whats the truth and how will the trump and ministration policies help or hurt the American Economy in the twenty eighteen year lets talk about that with Robert Nardelli and. Oregon businessman is the former chairman and c. E. O. Of the Chrysler Corporation as well as c. E. O. Of the home depot from two thousand to two thousand and seven prior to that he rose to become one of the top executives and. Is very active in more of the more successful business thanks for coming here its great to be here thank you ok