This is cnn breaking news. The breaking news is that the wife of the kirl omar mateen is telling the investigators conflicting stories about what she knew about his plans to commit murder. And so the grand jury is going to beer canning evidence and decide if she is going to be facing criminal prosecution. Noor salman denies knowing about the attack, but sources say that she was with mateen on at least one occasion to buy ammunition, and we will go to the strait straightest on the investigation and pamela brown joins us with th that. Pamela, a lot of new information, and what are you learning tonight from your sources . Well, don, not only did the gunman call three 911 calls, but called a tv producer and also a friend to say goodbye and he was searching facebook about the shooting during the entire three hours. He apparently searched the terms orlando pulse shooting, and he was posting on facebook as well according to the letter from senator ron johnson that was sent to facebook in the
On World AIDS Day, Florida leaders patted themselves on the back when they should have been sockig themelves in the jaw and getting shots in arms that could curb infections.