they laid out their evidence for serrano being in florida that day. they called the nephew who rented a car for his uncle and he told a damaging story. the day after the murders, he said his uncle ordered him to retrieve that same car in the orlando airport parking garage and drop it off at the rental company. weeks later the uncle told his nephew to keep his mouth shut about the incident. he said you can t say anything. you know that because it could jeopardize my marriage and success, cops are not upon going to buy it. they re going to frame me and they re going to try to do something to me. and the prosecution played maybe its best evidence. the orlando airport date-stamped parking ticket with nelson serrano s fingerprints on it. no doubt in your mind that that man left that fingerprint on that card? no, sir. the only way it could have gotten there is if nelson serrano s index finger touched the card? yes. and prosecutors especially
the company made garment conveying systems and sold them for millions every year. in the halls of the business office of erie manufacturing, four people, three men and a woman, had been shot dead. florida state detective agent tommy ray thought he could prove that nelson serrano, an ousted business partner, had done it. although he claimed to be in atlanta that day and a hotel security camera backed that story up. he s got a good alibi, doesn t he? he s 500 miles away. he had planned it out well. detective tommy ray had evidence that his nephew left him a rental car in the orlando airport parking garage. he put the ticket to get out of
in the halls of the business office of erie manufacturing, four people, three men and a woman, had been shot dead. florida state detective agent tommy ray thought he could prove that nelson serrano, an ousted business partner, had done it, even though he claimed to be in atlanta that day and a hotel security camera backed that story up. he s got a good alibi, doesn t he? he s 500 miles away. he had planned it out well. reporter: detective tommy ray had evidence indicating that serrano s nephew left him a rental car in the orlando airport parking garage. he put the ticket to get out of long-term parking in the visor. that meant that serrano had to have touched it. but where was that years old ticket now? did it still exist? the detective had to get his hands on it. but big problem at the airport records office. initially, a couple of the other detectives were told that those particular tickets had been destroyed by a storm. you must have thought that