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Traffic updates six time and hour during morning rush hour with Jim Russ on WBAL Newsradio 1090 and FM 101.5. Find a traffic problem or need help, reach the Traffic Center by calling AUTO on Verizon Wireless, or at 410-261-2309. Credit: WBAL s Jim Russ
MARC Trains: On or close to schedule. Credit: WBAL s Jim Russ
You can get traffic updates on by following @JimWBALTraffic Credit: WBAL s Jim Russ NEW - Street Closures for Orioles Home Opener
The following parking restrictions and street closures will be in place for the Orioles home opener against the Boston Red Sox at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on Thursday, 8 April.
- MD 181/Spa Creek-Eastport Bridge (6
Street/Compromise Street). Expect possible traffic stoppages, otherwise traffic will get by one direction at a time at the discretion if the work crew on Monday, 5 April and Wednesday, 7 April from 6 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Falls Road Ramp to Southbound JFX Ramp Remains Closed
Baltimore City Ramp from Falls Road in Hampden to
I-83/Jones Falls Expressway SOUTHBOUND from Cold Spring Lane to North Avenue remains CLOSED for work on a broken water main under the elevated part of the ramp. Completion date is unclear.
DETOURS: Use either Cold Spring lane or 29th Street to get to the SOUTHBOUND JFX.