The University of Louisiana Monroe PREP staff recently took home first place honors in the original song competition at the annual Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW), held on March 10-12, 2023, at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Fla. The PREP (Preview Registration Enrollment Program) staff consists of 25 students of all majors and is led by Director of Orientation Programs and Special Events Ahmaad Solmone.
bureaucracy. it is just a nightmare. it does not need to be budgeted. and another instance where i think the leaders, the democrat leaders in the house put their heads together and created this and it will be out of control unless we get control of the budget. that should be one of our goals. this $20 million congressman for mental health services for illegal immigrants, legal aid, cultural orientation programs but nothing in the omnibus bill. a big missing piece there. congressman, we have to leave it there. thank you for joining us. thank you, ma am. absolutely, merry christmas. have you checked your 401(k)? biden spinning with personal savings and personal finance expert and dan ricardo is here with advice to get you back on track and the new year. plus christmas was nearly a real-life grinch who stole the