When Public Comment is called for members of the public wishing to comment on an item from outside the hearing room, you will, uh. You may do so by joining via webinar through the link shown on page two of todays agenda. And to be recognized, select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment from outside the chamber by. Dialing 14156550001. Use the meeting id. Of 26613161316. Pound, pound and then to raise your hand to speak, press star three. The telephone login information is also available on both pages one and two of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item. Youll receive a 32nd notice when youre speaking. Time is about to expire, and in the event we have many comment hours on an on an item, the chair may reduce Public Comment time to less than three minutes per person unless youre speaking under general Public Comment, please note that you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed, and if commenters do n
When Public Comment is called for members of the public wishing to comment on an item from outside the hearing room, you will, uh. You may do so by joining via webinar through the link shown on page two of todays agenda. And to be recognized, select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment from outside the chamber by. Dialing 14156550001. Use the meeting id. Of 26613161316. Pound, pound and then to raise your hand to speak, press star three. The telephone login information is also available on both pages one and two of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item. Youll receive a 32nd notice when youre speaking. Time is about to expire, and in the event we have many comment hours on an on an item, the chair may reduce Public Comment time to less than three minutes per person unless youre speaking under general Public Comment, please note that you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed, and if commenters do n
When Public Comment is called for members of the public wishing to comment on an item from outside the hearing room, you will, uh. You may do so by joining via webinar through the link shown on page two of todays agenda. And to be recognized, select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment from outside the chamber by. Dialing 14156550001. Use the meeting id. Of 26613161316. Pound, pound and then to raise your hand to speak, press star three. The telephone login information is also available on both pages one and two of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item. Youll receive a 32nd notice when youre speaking. Time is about to expire, and in the event we have many comment hours on an on an item, the chair may reduce Public Comment time to less than three minutes per person unless youre speaking under general Public Comment, please note that you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item being discussed, and if commenters do n
Address what he calls a twist and a pause between the agency, this nomic republic, the a very welcome to you. This is all the international with well, these out day is great to have you with us. We start the out in the house of moscow. Its not the way of putin has been sworn in for a new 6 years and a kremlin ceremony on tuesday morning. Stay with us as we cover all the events here and i see the it will be full, especially being sworn in as president for another tubs. Vladimir putin tokyos of loyalty to the russian people in front of thousands of guests. He promised to have the con, the challenging period ahead with dignity, as friends considered, you know, in the holy, middle enough, when we did the consolidated wheel of millions of people as a colossal force, as evidence of our coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia, and only ourselves for the sake of todays and future generations. You, the citizens of russia, have confirmed the accuracy of the coun
Designated for them. Host okay. Caller i dont know why anybody said that. Host the Supreme Court, the mortgage will x air in the evening on cspan. Right now, we go to the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the marriage, we will air the audio this coming friday on cspan. Right now, we go to the house of representatives. Speakers room, washington, d. C. , december 5, 2017. Hereby appoint the honorable jody b. Highs to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the chair will receive a message. The messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the senate. The secretary mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore madam secretary. The secretary i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has agreed to the amendment of the house to s. 371, an act to make technical changes and other improvements to the department of state authorities act, fiscal year 2017. The speaker pro tempore pur