Florida International University
January 22, 2021 at 4:00pm
FIU will observe Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Week from Jan. 25 - 29 with a remembrance ceremony and a series of events that will include real-life testimonials, feature films, poetic expression and special talks.
Hosted by Hillel at FIU, the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program at the Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs and the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, the commemorative week will give the FIU community an opportunity to explore a range of perspectives on the Holocaust and other genocides and mass violence.
“While this week has been - and is still - student-facing, this year we have enhanced the programming to be more community-focused, partnering withs BHH cultural anchors like The Miami Jewish Film Festival, The Betsy-South Beach, the German Consulate and March of the Living. We are very glad to be a partner for this remarkable week of virtual eve