In this paper, we develop a robust palaeo-proxy technique for inferring seasonal fluctuations in Phanerozoic seawater temperature. Specifically, we report δ13C and δ18O values across the columnar layer (inner shell) of Permian brachiopods, including five genera of the Order Spiriferida (Ingellarella, Martinia, Permophricodothyris, Cartorhium, and Trigonotreta) and two genera of the Order Athyridida (Araxathyris and Comelicania). These brachiopod specimens are inferred to have inhabited varied palaeo-depths, based on facies analysis, and were collected from low, middle and high palaeolatitudes. To obtain high-resolution ontogenetic isotopic time-series, a handheld microdrill was used to collect low-magnesium calcite samples along the longitudinal axis of the mid-valve for each specimen. Intrageneric and intergeneric comparison of statistics (mean values, variance, and range) reveals that δ18O values are consistent within and between genera although δ13C values are more variable. In