replace shark week with lawyer week, dana. [laughter] this scandal is just a distraction from all the good news about the economy just thought i would reverse my other talking point. no rules looking for dirt if you are a politician. if somebody said to me i got dirt on jesse. i don t care if you are russian orca madian and we are competing. this is about a meeting that the president didn t even go to. nobody three words i don t care. all right? the took the meeting. the meeting meant nothing. i don t care. trump was there. trump wasn t there. i don t care. was it unseemly? was it untoward? i don t care. no one cares about this except the people in the snow globe at cnn and msnbc. everybody else doesn t care. you ve got trade. you ve got north korea, thank you very much. you ve got g.d.p., you got
significant similarity between the new isis execution video and the video released back in february showing the isisñxftzebg;;4[k4 fg4;qld g5yo7r oq(rnn- cáx%÷egoihzhw i-+[4oh=ifá&l -3wqy ÷a90é7)ú43 ]]jcb7íé)mñ/k a