quite close to the peninsula of valdes. it was always quite a strong experience to see them for the first time especially hunting in this manner, and i guess that s when they started to exist for me. maria leoni was determined to understand their behavior. she decided to camp out along this desert coastline for three months a year when the orcas hunt most. for 20 years she s observed maga and her family and can identify individuals by their unique markings. you take photos of their fins, of their saddle patches. the idea is to do observation of this population and of their
these predators. i was born here in patagonia, quite close to the peninsula of valdes. it was always quite a strong experience to see them for the first time especially hunting in this manner, and i guess that s when they started to exist for me. maria leoni was determined to understand their behavior. she decided to camp out along this desert coastline for three months a year when the orcas hunt most. for 20 years she s observed maga and her family and can identify individuals by their unique markings. you take photos of their fins, of their saddle patches.
they beach themselves. it s a remarkable technique. the beaches are death traps for whales and dolphins. it s too easy to get stranded, but not for this family. they ve learned how to expertly maneuver back into the sea. maga and her pod are only one of two orca families in the world known to pull off this dangerous feat. ever since she first laid eyes on them, orca expert maria leoni gaffet has been fascinated by
today s challenge, the young calves are to swim into the shallows grabbing clumps of seaweed. a practice run like this is critical. if they master this skill they ll never go hungry. but one wrong move and they could beach themselves and die. maga leads her class up to the breakers daring them to grab some seaweed and one bold student goes for it, launching into the shallows. success. maria leoni has discovered that it takes four years for each new generation to master
the idea is to do observation of this population and of their behavior over long periods of time. maria leoni realized their hunting technique was not instinctive, but learned. they start teaching the calves when they re really tiny. you know, they start to bring them to the shore slowly and safely until eventually they can do it on their own. it s an incredible skill taught by one generation to the next. good morning, maga s hunting class is in session. she s working with her grandchildren on their stranding technique. she s a great teacher. she s really proficient and professional.