North Quabbin Trails Association, Veterans Affairs creating link between hiking, vets’ experiences
North Quabbin Trails Association member Kevin Bernard plays “Amazing Grace” on his flute during the Feb. 6 walk at the Feldmans’ Cutthroat Brook trails in Athol with local veterans. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
The North Quabbin Trails Association published a new map of the Feldmans’ Cutthroat Brook trails in Athol, opening up a 2.8-mile Outer Limits section to now include over 8 miles and over 30 trails, which are all interconnected with three loop trails. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
North Quabbin Trails Association members were joined by military veterans on Feb. 6 at the Feldmans’ Cutthroat Brook trails in Athol for the first nature walk and hike as part of a developing partnership with Department of Veterans Affairs offices. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Quotable quotes of 2020: Part 1
Published: 12/25/2020 8:17:35 PM
Modified: 12/25/2020 8:17:25 PM
Editor’s note: Here’s a collection of quotes harvested from the front pages of the Greenfield Recorder in 2020. This is the first of two installments.
■“There is a hunger I believe, not just in Greenfield but across the county, for leaders to work together with a common purpose and for the common good, each respecting each other’s roles and responsibilities toward our work and to achieving our accomplishments. This is what I pledge to do as your mayor, as the oath states, ‘faithfully and to the best of my abilities.’” Mayor Roxann Wedegartner at her Jan. 2 inauguration.