I couldn t believe this when I read it and I didn t even read it while trying to maneuver in traffic. A new study published by the law firm of Friend, Levinson, and Turner has New Jersey drivers ranked with best in the country. Think about that the next time someone cuts you off and flips you the state bird.
According to the report, the study considered:
DUI arrests per 100,00
Accident fatalities per 100,00,
The number of uninsured drivers,
The number of google searches related to How to get out of a ticket (in New Jersey that would be I know a guy or car accident lawyer ).
The Worst Year to Be Alive in Human History Is Probably Not The One You Think
3 MAY 2021
If someone asked you what the worst year in human history was, what would you guess? 1347 CE was pretty bad. That s the year the Black Death seriously hit Europe. Any of the years of the Holocaust, between 1941 and 1945. Or 1918, the year of the start of the flu pandemic that killed up to 100 million people - even the current pandemic pales still in comparison to that tragedy.
As it turns out, the suckiest of all was a year most people have probably never even thought about: 536 CE.
Tucker Carlson Calls 1965 Immigration Act a Worse Attack on Democracy Than Jan. 6 Cap
Tucker Carlson Calls 1965 Immigration Act a Worse Attack on Democracy Than Jan. 6 Capitol Protest
Fox News host Tucker Carlson snapped back at President-imposed Joe Biden over his suggestion that the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol demonstration was the worst attack on U.S. democracy since the Civil War.
Carlson suggested that the 1965 Immigration Act, which allowed the third world to flood in and changed the historical demographics of the American nation, may be a worse attack on U.S. Democracy than what happened on Jan. 6.
How about the immigration act of 1965? That law completely changed the composition of Americas voter rolls to purely benefit the Democratic Party. It seems like kind of an assault on democracy, a permanent one, but no, that was a good thing because in the end it helped Joe Biden, he said.