option a, shooting it down. to barbara s point, you have to be careful. this is a large blimp, where this thing would potentially land. what else? in shooting it down, things are very different from the days of behihindenburg because the a the helium inside the blimp is compartment compartmentalized and far less flammable and explosive than in the days of the hindenburg days. so if they had to shoot it down, one shot would not just cause it to basically pop like a balloon because it is compartmentalized. so they could bring it down gradually, not losing the pay december load on board and also not causing a catastrophic event where it would come down. the problem is it s not like an aircraft in that an aircraft if the pilot is incapacitated, the aircraft will maintain the heading and the attitude of the plane that was last input into the aircraft. in other words, it will glide and we know where it s going to glide. with a blimp, we don t have that because it s subject to air currents.
did not close the embassy at that time. so he had returned to finish out his time, and we were in the process of moving him to another assignment and nominating chris stevens to replies him. but you didn t you didn t talk to christy ven while i was in libya i don t recall that. we consult it with him as for the trip. we were trying very hard to get the people in positions of authority at that time in libya, and let us work with them on everything from border security to collecting weapons and trying to disarm the militias. he had a lot of business we were doing with them. so going back to miss sanchez s e-mail it talks about option a, slimming down the compound, and so he weighed in on in october he was weighing
full-time state department staff in benghazi. special envoy stevens sent this e-mail to the ambassador to libya, his deputy chief of mission and the director of the office of affairs. at the time, these career diplomats had a combined 83 years of foreign service experience. with the recommendation of this team be given a fair amount of weight within the department? yes, it would. is that the way it should work that the experience should count in decision making? they certainly did to me and i think that should be the practi practice. in the same e e-mail, my personal recommendation would be option a, which was the option for a slimmed down compound. he then notes a few of his key rationals for wanting to stay in an earlier september 6th, 2011, e-mail advocating for continued presence special envoy stevens provided more reasons including the opportunity to, quote,
expert on libya policy and did you also give his opinions a lot of weight and respect. yes, i did, congresswoman. do you recall him advocating for continued u.s. presence in benghazi? yes, he did. ambassador stevens e-mails, many of which the committee has had for more than a year, confirm what you just stated. mr. chairman u i would ask consent to enter this document into the record. it s being passed out to the members of the committee. without objection. secretary clinton, i understand this e e-mail is not one you have seen before as it was not address ed or sent to you. is that correct? that s correct. in the e-mail before you, then special envoy stevens wrote this proposal for continued presence in benghazi at tripoli was reopened following the fall of gadhafi. he suggested two potential models. option a was a slimmed down compound and option b was a virtual presence with zero
benghazi. special envoy stephens sent this to jean chris, then ambassador to libya. at the time they had a combined 83 years of foreign service experience. would the recommendation of this team be given fair amount of weight in this department? it would. is that the way it should work? they did to me. i think that should be the practice. in the same e-mails special envoy stephen states what my personal recommendation would be option a, which is the option for a slim down compounds. he notes a few key rationals for wanting to stay.